About Teri

In addition to her transactional practice in San Carlos, Teri opened a second office in Hawaii in 2020.  (After having spent every summer with her grandparents on Oahu during her youth, Teri always considered Hawaii to be her home.)  Teri travels frequently to California see her clients (and to visit her children and grandson!). 

One of Teri’s main interests is helping foster parents navigate the legal system on behalf of their foster children, as well as to assist foster children in navigating the system themselves, especially as they age out of the system. Teri has long dealt with the bureaucratic maze that is the foster care system, and helps to make it understandable to the people who are living in it.

Teri has also been a frequent speaker and educator on the issues of gender and sexual orientation harassment and discrimination in schools and in the workplace. Teri served as Co-Chair and Legislative chair of GLSEN Peninsula/South Bay (a two-county chapter of the nation’s largest organization working to combat sexual orientation and harassment in K-12 schools), and frequently conducted classes on gender issues for attorneys and educators in the San Francisco Bay Area. Teri has also testified before the California State Board of Education and the California Senate Select Committee on School Safety on harassment issues in California schools.

Teri is the author of “Honoring Gender Differences in Children” (Open Hands, Volume 13, No. 1, 1997) and co-author of “Sexual Orientation, Our Children and the Law” (GLSEN, 2000), a manual distributed throughout California to educators and school district superintendents. People having a difficult time sleeping can read Teri’s law review article “Yours, Mine and Ours: A Proposal to Bring Certainty to the Use of Personal Goodwill in the Sale of Assets of a C Corporation” (13 Hastings Bus. L.J. 89 (2016))

Academic History

Golden Gate University School of Law; San Francisco, CA
LL.M., Taxation 2013 – With Honors

Hastings College of the Law; San Francisco, CA
J.D. 1984 – Cum Laude
Chief Managing Editor, Hastings International and Comparative Law Review, 1983-84
Thurston Society (Top 5% in first year)

University of California, Santa Cruz; Santa Cruz, CA
B.S. Sociology 1981

Professional Memberships

– California State Bar Association (Member of Taxation, Real Property and Business Law sections)
– Hawaii State Bar (Member of Business Law, Real Property and Tax sections)
– American Bar Association, (Member of Taxation and Business Law sections)
– Native Hawaiian Bar Association
– Asian Pacific American Bar Association of Silicon Valley
– Palo Alto Area Bar Association

Professional Experience


Private practice, 2002 – present


Santa Clara University School of Law; Santa Clara, CA
Courses taught: Business Planning, Advanced Corporations
2002 – 2015

General Counsel

Al Shugart International; San Carlos, CA
Attorney for start-up resource and venture capital company

Campaign Manager

Managed the Proposition 23 (“None of the Above” Ballot Option) campaign for the California March 2000 primary.

Stay-at-home mom

1989 – 1998


Wilson, Sonsini, Goodrich & Rosati; Palo Alto, CA
Corporate and securities practice, primarily for start-up technology companies. 1984 – 1989

Representative Speaking Engagements

May 2022
California Bar Association Continuing Education of the Bar, Piercing the Corporate and LLC Veil (webinar).

February 2018
University of La Verne College of Law, Nightmare on Elm Street: Property Tax Consequences of Rescission Deeds in California.

July 2016
San Mateo County Bar Association, Operating Agreements under RULLCA and the New Partnership Audit Rules.

January 2015 and April 2016
Cañada College, Foster & Kinship Care Education Program, Is It Deductible? Foster Children and Taxes.

January 2015
San Francisco Bar Association, Girly Men & Manly Girls – Gender and Language for Attorneys.

March 2014
Law & Business Society, University of Santa Clara, School of Law, Women in Corporate Law (panel).

June 29, 2011
Thomson West, Online Seminar (webcast), Elimination of Bias in the Profession: Girlie Men and Manly Girls: Gender and Language for Attorneys.

September 2008
San Mateo County District Attorney’s Office, Language and Sexual Orientation in the Workplace.

January 2006
Santa Clara Bar Association, Girly Men and Manly Women – What a Lawyer Should Never Say.

September 2005 and September 2003
California State Bar Annual Meeting, How to Incorporate a Business in California.

January 2005
California State Bar Teaching Institute, Girly Men and Manly Women – What a Corporate Lawyer Should Never Say.

1999 – 2000.
Speaker’s Bureau, The Marriage Project, PFLAG, Same Gender Marriage and the Law.

2001 and 2002
California State Board of Education and the California Senate Select Committee on School Safety, Invited speaker on harassment issues in California schools.



Board of Directors, Hawaii Women Lawyers, 2022 to present

Opinions Committee, Business Law Section, State Bar of California, 2012 to present.

Partnerships and Limited Liability Companies Committee, Business Law Section, State Bar of California 2011 to present. Committee Chair (2017-2018)

Chair, Subcommittee on Private Companies Corporate Practice Committee, Business Law Section, American Bar Association, (2008 to present).

Corporations Committee, Business Law Section, State Bar of California (2000 – 2005). Education Co-Chair


Substitute Teacher, Kalani High School, 2021 – 2023 (Spanish)

Commissioner, San Mateo County LGBTQ Commission, County of San Mateo, 2015-2017

President, Foster Parent Association of San Mateo County, 2012-2016

Planning Commissioner, City of San Carlos (March 2008 to June 2010).

Co-Chair (1999-2002) and Legislative Chair (2001-03), GLSEN Peninsula/South Bay